martes, 22 de diciembre de 2020

634 Hudson Street (English Edition)

Autor: Al.Chust
Translator: Ashley Albridge
ISBN: 978-84-617-1615-9
Pages: 382
English Edition: September 2014
E-book in Amazon  $3.40
Amazon Paperback edition $14.25
Create Space Paperback $15
Read Chap.1 & 2           Download Chap. 1 & 2
   Edward is a frustrated writer who decides to leave it all behind and set up in New York City. There, obeying only his desires, he becomes a rock DJ in several clubs in Brooklyn and the East Village, he walks the dogs of the rich and famous, and he works as a personal chef. But, whether he likes it or not, he’s in New York. “The Sodom of hell,” “the paradise of the kingdom,” as he defines it. And soon, events will occur in his life that once more awaken his repressed desires to resume writing.
   Per chance he meets Helen, an attractive and mysterious literary publisher. She may be the key to Edward’s achieving success like he has always dreamed. With the help of Jennifer, an actor whose dogs Edward walks, he will come up with a plan for seduction. But an unexpected and dark murder will put his life in danger. His survival lies in his own hands. If he doesn’t discover the true murderer soon, his body will end up floating in the cold waters that surround the island of Manhattan.
   The FBI! The CIA! The Mossad! Secret services from several countries! Spies! Politicians! Traffickers! Hollywood! The media! Everything seems to be connected, which increases his desperation and fear of dying. Edward knows that time is racing—and not in his favor.

This is me, Al.Chust, and let me tell you that this book has been translated from Spanish into English by an American professional translator. There is no a publisher behind the deal. So if you want to support us, feel free to donate. Any amount will be welcome. We´ve got more books waiting for english language readers. Thank you very much.
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